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蘋果投資王 3.0
環球經濟瞬息萬變,想隨時隨地一App盡覽財經資訊,全新「蘋果投資王」萬勿錯過!即時指數、股票、認股證、牛熊證報價及技術圖表一應俱全,更可一click盡享即時及足本《蘋果日報》財經新聞,方便易用!此外,本App更具備市面罕有的行業板塊走勢比拚,市況大勢一目瞭然。多位股評人亦將於開市時段坐陣,提供即市股票貼士,賺錢話咁易!另外,想參加模擬投資比賽一展身手,與一眾投資達人同場較量,兼且贏取豐富獎金?咁就要參加最新推出的「麥格理 x 投資王擂台賽」!更多詳情:
爽報線上翻 1.0
Ketchuper - Ketch your style 1.0.3
Ketch your style、Buy time、Save moneyWanna be a shopaholic but a money saver as well? Wanna get discountand free gift too? Download and be a Ketchuper!We simply don't justprovide shining bright discount and privilege from online shopsaround the world to local Hong Kong fashion stores, be a Ketchuper,you can purchase second hand items from celebrities andfashionistas. Stay tuned, and receive unlimited hottest fashionupdates,as well as world wide snap shots,sneakers selfie,beautytips etc.9 hot Ketchuper privileges:1. Ketch-Famous Instagrammers and fashion models demonstratingthe hottest fashion.2. SELL-Purchase second exclusive hand items of celebrities andfashionistas.3. BUY-Shop anytime,with discount by just one click of button withPaypal or credit cards.4. LOOK-Collage of fashion essentials from online stores with flashdiscount offer.5. SNAP-Worldwide snap shots6. KICK-Win a pair of sneaker by uploading sneaker selfie.7. BEAUTIFY-Preview and gossip the latest beauty trend.8. TRIAL-Vlog the fashion trend.9. UP-TO-DATE Calender of any special offers from different brandsand shops
FACE Pop – 韓國香港娛樂生活資訊平台 1.0.3
ME! 2.0.2-40
*全新ME!App打造由您主導的美容產品交流平台,讓您變得有主見、精明買、變漂亮、賺著數!*ME! 精選內容 - 每日送上火熱美容時尚資訊,讓您緊貼潮流輕鬆變靚。*me! club - 美容工作坊及送禮資訊讓您賺取著數。*真實產品評價 - 超過35,000件美容產品任您點評,「好就讚,壞就彈」,產品評價一目了然。*我的化妝袋 - 簡單收藏心水產品,輕鬆分享您的妝容及日常妝物,建立您獨一無二的專屬化妝袋。* New ME! App built byyour leading beauty products platform, allowing you to becomeassertive, shrewd buy, become beautiful, to make a number! Featured Content * ME! - Sent daily hot beauty fashion information,allowing you to easily keep abreast of trends BAL.* Me club -! Beauty and Gift Workshop information allows you tomake the numbers.* Actual product evaluation - more than 35,000 items of beautyproducts to any of your comments, "Like good to bad to play the"product evaluation at a glance.* My Bags - Simple Favorites aquatic center, easily share yourdaily makeup and makeup products, create your unique and exclusivecosmetic bag.
Apple Fashion 2.0.1
專業、超值的《APPLE FASHION》雜誌推出App!《APPLEFASHION》帶你深入巴黎、米蘭、紐約、倫敦2015春夏時裝秀場,看盡男女裝最新流趨勢。點一下影片,感受秀場空間與流行節奏,再點一下圖片把材質、圖騰看仔細,還有精要的文字解讀不容錯過。更特別的是,你還可以透過留言與時尚編輯互動。《APPLEFASHION》App以創意的版面串連,呈現4大流行城市61品牌,最新的男裝、女裝、配件,內容豐富、流暢又美麗,讓你手指一滑,流行在握!《APPLEFASHION》從2006年開始推出,是眾型男潮女必看的時尚聖經,這回獻上App,動員蘋果日報時尚編輯、動新聞與美術團隊爆肝製作,期待你打開App大讚好讀又好美。
TIME-EAT 2.0.3
"TIME-EAT" provides last minute diningprivileges to all HK users. Users simply glance through the latestdining offer and buy it right away, all on the app.We cooperate with popular restaurants in town and bring you dailysurprise and lightning deals, exclusively for "TIME-EAT"users."TIME-EAT " brings you:1. Daily surprise - discover our mega discounts which releaseanytime2. See it buy it - buy and get your preferred offer instantly3. Mega offer - get the superb dinning discount in popularrestaurants for our TIME-EAT users only4. Location base technology - be the first to get the nearby diningoffers
TIME食商戶專用 1.02
「TIME食」為全港用戶提供限時餐飲優惠。餐廳商戶只需加盟成為合作伙伴,即可以所登記的賬號,於「TIME食商戶專用」應用程式上載優惠,向「TIME食」用戶進行推廣餐廳及作即時促銷,有效開拓客源,讓你晚晚座無虛席。立即加盟成為「TIME食」商戶,盡享以下優勢:1. 即時促銷 - 可按市況即時自訂優惠促銷2. 定位推廣 - 優惠資訊可優先發放附近用戶3. 最強宣傳 - 於壹傳媒各大平台推廣4. 操作簡便 - 以手機上載優惠,一經確認,即時發佈5. 促成交易 - 客人即時付款,助你完成促銷立即加盟!成為「TIME食」商戶!電話:26269986電郵:[email protected]或瀏覽
壹傳媒財務報告 6.0
Next Digital Financial Reports 壹傳媒財務報告
Fantastic Snap 1.2
狐狸先生由 ELEMENTS 圓方出發與你見面! 立即下載試玩AR遊戲「FantasticSnap」,分享自拍到Facebook,換取意想不到的禮遇!
蘋果地產 3.0.0
提供即時地產新聞、產業趨勢、影音新聞、地產美女、裝潢新知及買租屋資訊。讓您輕鬆掌握地產脈動、簡化您的買租屋決策過程。 1. 【不只是新聞,更提供買屋、租屋物件】有買屋、租屋需求不用再下載多個APP,只要安裝一個蘋果地產APP通通搞定。2. 【推播最新新聞及物件】沒時間看新聞嗎?蘋果地產APP提供編輯精選新聞及全台房屋物件推播服務,幫助您定期更新產業新知。3. 【地圖搜尋】以地圖瀏覽顯示房屋物件或新聞所在位置,方便了解相對位置與週邊機能。 4. 【附近機能查詢】附近有沒有車站、學校或百貨公司?讓重視生活機能的您一目了然。 5. 【房屋物件路線時間規劃】房屋物件距離公司、學校通勤時間需多久?透過地圖或關鍵字即時搜尋,協助您瞭解實際的通勤時間與距離。 6. 【聯絡超方便】看到喜歡的房屋物件,立即通話聯絡對方,買屋、租屋變得超容易。7. 【房東、房仲資料輕鬆建】2分鐘建立個人資料,輕鬆編輯與管理房屋物件,蘋果地產APP協助您多元曝光提升來電數和賞屋率。全台地產趨勢新聞VS全台買屋租屋資訊,現在就安裝蘋果地產!  您也可以瀏覽蘋果地產Web電腦版:若有使用問題或建議,歡迎您寫信至: [email protected]
迎接馬年到來,《蘋果》從北到南蒐羅各地景點,讓新春假期加倍奉玩,人擠人看「加古錐」萌寶貝、全家郊外賞「倍麗」花海、「奉誠心」到廟裡求好運,跟著偶像劇「玩場景」,旅遊資訊一手掌握,用新氣象展開新的一年。To greet the arrivalofthe horse, "apple" collecting from north to southacrossattractions, so the New Year holiday to redouble Bong play,peoplecrowded to see, "added the ancient cone" Moe Baby, the familyonthe outskirts of reward "BEAUTY" flowers, "Bong sincerely" totheTemple in seeking good luck, followed by drama "play scene",travelinformation in one hand, with a new atmosphere to start thenewyear.
青雲路 ecjobs 2.0.10
《青雲路》has been publishing over 20 years in Hong Kong, specializedand prevailing in retail and service industries recruitment sector.In this new App (ecjobs), variety jobs from different industrieswill be available as well as more career information will beprovided. A simple, fast and user-friendly interface connectingexcellence together.
壹週刊 4.4.3
改革版《壹週刊》流動應用程式, 更易瀏覽各式新聞影片圖文內容, 編輯部緊守深度採訪戰線, 實時發布財經及時事專題,人物深度訪談,名家專欄, 及珍貴新聞檔案。
蘋果新聞網 5.6.0
Apple Daily 蘋果動新聞 6.0.5
Apple Daily, the most outspoken media in HK, is launching anEnglish platform.